Complimentary Holistic Health Inquiry Session
This is a private question-answer session with Victoria, in-person or over the phone, where you will have 20 minutes to ask general nutrition and lifestyle questions to determine whether you would like to pursue with Victoria’s guidance for your dietary needs and lifestyle changes. In this session, Victoria will not make personal recommendations for you; however, she will listen to your concerns and will attempt to address your questions to the best of her ability.
Holistic Self-Healing Consulation
Work with Victoria to develop a personalized plan to help you recover your health and enable you to live a fulfilling life. This session will help you gain understanding of your condition from the traditional holistic approach and will include detailed dietary and lifestyle recommendations tailored specifically to your health needs. The session will last for 90 minutes. You will receive Victoria’s handbook with essential information, shopping guidance, her recommendations, and cooking recipes. To enhance the understanding of your creative healing personalized plan, especially the dietary part of it, and to improve your cooking skills, it is strongly recommended to follow up with one or more private and/or group cooking classes.
Virtual Cooking Class
Personal Class – $30*
Group Class – $15*
It’s in style now! Let’s keep up with the pace. And nothing can stop us from learning how to eat healthy!
Register, get a shopping list, join the session, and cook with us!
Or just watch, take notes, and ask questions in the luxury of your home.
Recipes and video recording access is provided.
*Customized personal session $30/hour
*Group Session 1.5 hr long $15/person (min 6 people required)
Creative Healing Private Cooking Class
Learning the new way of cooking to improve your health should be perceived as an essential part of your healing journey. These are fun, exciting, relaxing, delicious, comforting, yet very informative sessions with the holistic Chef Victoria Barayev. They can be arranged right in your own kitchen or at Victoria’s house, based on agreement. With her demos and guidance in the kitchen, a whole new world of wholesome eating will open up to you. You will discover a vast array of the powerful healing staple foods and traditional authentic ingredients. You will learn about energies of different foods and cooking styles and how they affect your health, whether creating or destroying it. Seeing it, touching it, tasting it, will create a complete image of what you should be doing in the kitchen. Detailed recipes of each dish are provided. Duration of a single class is 3 hours.
*$60 per each additional person
Personalized 7-Day Menu Plan
Continue to work with Victoria to organize your notes and personal dietary recommendations into a complete personalized 7-day menu plan. Allowing Victoria to develop this plan for you will save you countless hours of planning, efforts, and frustration. Often, after a consultation, people find themselves overwhelmed with the information, not knowing where to begin. Creating your own menu can be very challenging when you are just on the threshold of new changes. The Personalized 7-day Menu Plan will help you get prepared to start implementing these changes right away. It will include daily menus for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, detailed recipes for each meal, and shopping lists. The menu for every following day will incorporate leftover foods from the day before, to minimize your cooking efforts. Please allow for a 10-day waiting period to be provided with your menu plan.
*$300 (if you have had a consultation with Victoria)
*$400 (without a previous consultation with Victoria)